Sharing the Glow


Sunset over Loch Earn, Scotland – Photograph  © . . .  WHB 


Sharing the Glow


I remember that evening –
The sun sinking low,
When you stood beside me
Sharing the glow.

We bathed in that splendour –
That golden sunset,
Drenched in that promise
I’ll never forget.

I held your hand tightly,
Placed a kiss on your lips
In youth, in the gloaming,
The lie was eclipsed.

For then we were young,
Life had not bitten hard.
Our futures seemed certain
But we let down our guard.

I left with a pledge,
But never returned;
Dissolved into dreams
Your derision I earned.

But now we are older,
Life has taken its toll.
Is it too much to ask,
Can I recapture your soul?

Now that same sun is sinking
Setting fire to the sea;
Can this Phoenix bring hope
To you and to me?

Let me hold your hand now,
Place a kiss on your lips,
For bliss in old age
Does all else eclipse.



10 thoughts on “Sharing the Glow

  1. “for bliss in old age does all else eclipse” – some words speak, some words scream , some words heal and some confuse me, these words of yours trickled down a little corner of my heart and settled like warm chocolate on a cold windy day. As i get older and find the meaning of real companionship these words have such depth and authenticity, thank you Roland for this lovely poem.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Hopefully we can find and hold love at any time in our lives Roland. This is a beautiful poem and your excellent photograph adds to the emotion.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Lovely, poignant piece Roland. There seems to be something beyond it’s obvious natural beauty that makes the Highlands such a romantic place, perhaps the post 1745 Highland clearances and the destruction of the Clan system, or maybe it’s remoteness .

    Liked by 1 person

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