Mind Games -WHB-Feb2018


Whimsical and wild
Such are the games I play
Whilst mentally beguiled

Hidden within poetry
In discursive verse
My clandestine love affairs
And terse

Give to me a reason
Why thus I can’t express
My mind’s adventurous spirit
My need to seek excess

To open up
Revealing all
Whilst midst the subterfuge
My ego seeks adrenaline
A haven
A refuge

Its all a nonsense
Words at play
Fending off my fears
Seeking to screen my inner hurt
Reality kept at bay





12 thoughts on “MIND GAMES

  1. I love this poem Roland, hidden behind humour and intelligent tricks are feelings and
    longings. I believe anyway.
    What is normal and reality? Is it the etiquette by which we try to conform?
    Is that why so many write poems…:) a way to express the deeper feelings.
    In a fun or serious way.

    ” Give to me a reason
    Why thus I can’t express
    My mind’s adventurous spirit”

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  2. Fun post Roland and enjoyed the poetry. It is amazing how the mind plays tricks with us and will be doing the staring thing all weekend.

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  3. Hello WHB, I am whiling away the cold snap and have just taken the ‘look at the 4 dots for 30 seconds’ test. To start with I saw Freddie Mercury but then my gaze moved outwards from the centre and he turned into Che Guevara. Who\what do others see I wonder? Angela (Morgan)

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